I am a Gay Acupuncturist

I am a gay acupuncturist. First and foremost, I am a skilled acupuncturist with almost 10 years of experience treating muscular pain, frozen shoulders, headaches, gastro-intestinal distress, sexual function and related issues. I also have a lot of experience treating anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and psycho-spiritual issues. Many of my clients are gay men who come to me with specific problems with sexual/urinary function issues including ED and prostatitis, enlarged prostate gland and prostate cancer. Men with erection challenges, low libido and sexual addiction issues also are my patients. It can be reassuring and even comforting to the patient to see a gay acupuncturist who can better understand the gay patient’s issues and challenges.

Men often have a hard time talking about problems they are having with their body, especially if it has to do with sexual function. Gay men seeking treatment can often talk to a gay acupuncturist more easily. There is a common understanding and a high degree of empathy. Add the experience and expertise of a gay acupuncturist like myself and there is a greater chance of effective and lasting solutions for specific issues. These include sexually transmitted diseases, sexual expression and addictive behavior and the familial pressures that often accompany being gay in our society.

Aging is another big and often looming issue for gay men. It is a subject that is a loaded and sensitive one. As a gay acupuncturist, I have specific approaches that address the issues of aging. It is important to honor the individual and help them with greater acceptance of the specifics of the aging process.

As a gay acupuncturist I offer an empathic and a less “clinical” approach when taking a history from the patient.. Shame, fear and uncertainty are all issues that most gay people grapple with. There is clearly less support in the society at large for these gay issues. Body-image, aging, sexual function as well as issues related to self esteem and general well-being are often more complex in the gay community. An honest, frank conversation that gives the patient room to express his feelings is a good start to a practitioner-patient relationship. Trust is the basis for all relationships—and as a gay acupuncturist, I know that trust is essential to the patient’s commitment and motivation in the healing process.

Trigger Point Therapy with Acupuncture

Trigger point Therapy is a common condition that produces muscle pain which can occur almost anywhere in the body. People may also refer to this kind of pain as ‘knots’ or ‘spasms’. In the medical field one might hear the term ‘myofascial pain’. This means that the pain may be present in the muscle tissue and/or in the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles.

Relief for trigger point pain can easily be achieved by releasing the ‘knots’ with acupuncture needles causing an unwinding or relaxation of the muscle fibers which sometimes presents as involuntary twitches in the muscle when it releases.

Trigger point pain can be chronic if left untreated. If left untreated for long enough, this pain can progress to a diminishing of the range of motion of a joint or limb. This stage is commonly referred to as “frozen”. Even at this stage, acupuncture is very effective in increasing the range of motion of a join or a limb.

Another way to relieve pain caused by trigger points is by using Dr. Richard Tan’s “Balance Method”. This method is based on the ancient numerological system called the Ba Gua. This method does not release the trigger point locally, but, rather uses complimentary meridians that are often distal or far away from the site of the pain. This method is a highly effective method for reducing pain and for increasing range of motion. It is recommended if the acupuncturist does not want to insert needles into the muscle tissue itself because it is too painful.

Trigger Point Therapy with Acupuncture is a quicker and, often more effective way to treat pain syndromes than manual therapy or massage therapy. The healing effects tend to last longer and the acupuncturist can often go into deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

I use both methods to treat trigger points – Direct needling into the site of the pain and Dr. Richard Tan’s “Balance” method. I do find that Dr. Tan’s method tends to be more effective in treating “frozen shoulders, hands, and other range of motion problems. Treatments range from once to three times per week in order to produce lasting results. I always teach my patients stretching exercises after the trigger points have been released in order to keep the muscles loose and flexible.